Thursday, March 31, 2011


Today we had very nice weather, about 16C and lots of sunshine. Since I could go to the tax office yesterday, I really had nothing to do. Did some housework and relaxed all day. We were lucky, because my boyfriend was supposed to work until 9 (he usually works until 6 pm, but when it's cherry blossom season, it gets busy) but he could come home at 3 pm.
Due to the earthquake I guess, lot's of tourist cancel their reservations. I guess people are trying to get out of here. I'm not really scared. With a physicist brother and a home country so close to Chernobyl, I don't really feel threatened. The news are pretty scary recently I'm not watching it at all. It would just make me feel bad.
I feel nervous enough due to my first day at my new school tomorrow. Today the vice principal called me. I tried to reach him yesterday, but he wasn't at the school. He spoke...hmmm...slowly, I guess for me to understand. I don't really know what to think yet. I guess the best thing to do is not to have any expectations. Then nothing can disappoint you.(^_^) much I'm not looking forward to introducing myself in Japanese in front of dozens of teachers....I always blush...not really blush, it is more like I become a lobster. But, but, BUT I bought a great foundation and concealer last week. I recommend to all the ladies: Revlon's Photo Ready Foundation (in vanilla I use) and same brand same series concealer. On the skin it looks pretty much like any other foundation, but, OMG, it looks great on pictures! First time I didn't have those huge ugly, dark circles under my eyes in a photo.

So, we will see how much it's going to be able to cover up my lobster transformation. Hopefully no pictures will be taken tomorrow. In some schools they asked for my picture to be taken on the first day, to have it on my teacher's ID card I have to wear on my chest.

I wonder if I'll be ble to sleep tonight... (>_<)

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