Sunday, July 01, 2012

Souvenir shopping trip in Kyoto

Every time I go home, I travel to Kyoto to buy souvenirs. For family, for friends, for unavoidable to meet relatives, neighbors etc. The best place to get good stuff is Kyoto, since people back home kinda expect to get Japanese style stuff. They never believe me when I say, that actually, buying European or American style things here is much easier, because that is what sells here. Traditional Japanese souvenirs sell only among tourists. Anyway, best place to go in Kinki area is Sanjo Teramachi, only five minutes walk from Keihan Sanjo station. A bunch of covered streets full of stores selling food, clothes, and lots of souvenirs, and handmade Japanese products. So, that's where I went. 

Kamogawa River near Sanjo station

A cormorant...maybe.

This building is a Starbucks. I just love the whole atmosphere of this place.

Oh, Dear many hours we spent on your banks with friends talking about LIFE after school ends, about love life troubles and family secrets, about hopes and dreams. Ashley I miss you sooooooo much dear!
Sorry for the emotional breakout (^_^;).   Too many fond memories from my one year as an exchange student here...Kyoto was THE Place to go at the time.

Let's get back to shopping. First I found this little candy store that sells traditional candies in all flavours, including green tea (that I refrain from buying), in lovely boxes and wraps. Look!

Candy store. They even gave me some candies as a present...already ate them...

Look how beautifully shaped these jelly things are (525 yen a box), and those round little packs are so cute, and they were only 250 yen each!

On the way to the covered shopping street you can find Meidi-ya. This is a really good imported food store, but it's a bit expensive. This is the only imported food store I found that sells Tokaji Aszú, a very famous brand of Hungarian wine. (^^).

Finally I reached the covered shopping street area. They have a lovely cake shop here too. Have eaten there a couple of times. Beside the small souvenir and food stores you can even find shops selling alternative clothing for visual kei fans. Used to love these kind of stores...I think I still have the skirt with coffins printed on, and chains attached to it, that I wore to an Antic Cafe live, and the checked pleated skirt I wore to Charlotte's live...R.I.P. Kazuno. 

Finally, arrived  ( ^ ^ )


That strawberry mousse cake and the walnut cake in the back looked really tempting....OMG!

VK clothing

This was a rather interesting shop window....I wonder what message they were trying to convey.
I got a few packs of cookies, some of them with a geisha's portrait on them, some with kimono sporting Hello Kitty, some with pictures of Kyoto's famous sightseeing spots on them, and some traditional crackers with cinnamon and banana flavour. And a few other gifts, like 3D picture covered nootebooks, a small hand towel, plum tea, and some pottery I won't show here, because the person who 'll get it is reading this blog from time to time  (^_^).
Cheap but stylish presents.

My favourite is the notebook with the 3D pic on it.
There are plenty of other presents I already bought, I just shared the more traditional Japanese style ones with you. Hope you enjoyed reading.


Kata said...

Hurrrááá!!! :) Jöttök/jössz haza? Mikor???? Ugye hamarosan? Ugye sokáig itthon lesztek/leszel?
(mi már ugye itthon vagyunk több, mint 1 hete...ha láttad a képeimet fb-on... ;))

Swallowtail said...

Még néhány hét. Én megyek csak 4 hétre, meg egy kollégám lesz nálunk kb 1 hétig. :) Remélem most mindkettőtökhöz lesz szerencsém :)

Kata said...

Várunk haza! :)
Pussz :*